
Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Don't Lose The Head"

There are many things today's Saint can teach us, and one of the most important is that we do not lose our head!  St Benedict, Father of Western Monasticism and Patron of Europe teaches us moderation and calm through his Rule and his holy life.
All of us are prey to our passions, and passion is not a bad thing - oriented in the right way it can be virtuous, nourishing zeal and making us determined to do what is right and good.  But sometimes it can take over us and we can lose the plot and even sin.  Passions must be governed by reason and charity, and the Rule of St Benedict has these qualities in abundance.  His way is a way of moderation - not boring not committal moderation, but a moderation which helps the soul live an ordered life of work and prayer and forms the personality so the person may be level-headed as well as devout.
Today let us remember all our monks and nuns, particularly those who follow the Rule of St Benedict.  I greet Dom Mark and the monks of the new Silverstream Priory, who have brought Benedictine life back to our diocese: may the Lord grant them many blessings. 
Let us also pray for Europe in these challenging times.
And of course let us not forget our Pope-Emeritus, Benedict XVI, a true model of reason, charity, and a passion for God.  Like his namesake, Pope Benedict, through his writings, preaching and holy life has rekindled in the hearts of many the fire of faith.

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