Called to be Prophets
As St Genesius stood on stage in the moments after his conversion he testified before the Roman Emperor that Jesus Christ was God. This would lead to his martyrdom. At the heart of our Christian life is our love of Jesus, a love that comes from faith and leads to a deeper faith, which leads to a greater love. Like Genesius, as servants and prophets of the Lord, we are to stand before the world and declare that God exists; that Jesus Christ is God, and if we embrace him, we shall have life in his name. In an age when men and women wish to see the world revolve around them, best seen in the rising cult of celebrity, we testify to the fact that it does not: the world was made for us, yes, but everything revolves around God, and it is only when we acknowledge that and turn to praise him and abandon ourselves to him will we be glorified. The irony of the age, as taught by Jesus, is that those who seek to be first will be the last, but it is the humble, the poor in spirit, who will be first, the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Our true flourishing is in Christ. Genesius understood this, that was why he could abandon his ambition to be rich and famous.
Prayer to St Genesius
Holy St Genesius,
martyr for Christ,
by the grace of the Holy Spirit
through your acting
you came to discover
the truth of the Christian faith.
In your first profession of that faith
you were baptized through the shedding
of your blood,
offering your life for the praise and glory
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for those who dedicate their lives
to the theatrical and cinematic arts.
Like you may they find the presence
of the Lord in their work
and generously open their hearts
to his teaching,
living it in the midst of the challenges
and demands of their calling.
In this novena, I remember most especially…., commending him/her to your care.
Let us pray:
Eternal Father, in your love you call all men and women to come to know you and to share in your divine life. Through the intercession of your martyr, Genesius, who responded so generously to the grace of conversion, grant that the same grace may be given to those who as yet do not know you, and may be renewed in those who do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for healing through the intercession of St Genesius
Lord Jesus,
you took pity on the blind Bartimaeus
and healed him;
you raised Lazarus from the dead
and freed Mary Magdalen from seven
devils to count her among your disciples.
You made the blind see, the deaf hear,
the dumb speak, the lame walk,
you cleansed lepers and cast out demons.
You preached the Good News to the poor
and bless those who are faithful to you.
Through the intercession of your
faithful martyr, Genesius,
grant your healing and consolation to the sick.
Give them the strength to carry their Cross
in union with you.
(We remember in particular _________.)
Help us to remain faithful to you in health
and in suffering, conformed to your Cross;
open our hearts to your will
so your grace may transform our lives.
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ReplyDeletePraise Jesus. I prayed a Novena to St. Genesius for a friend who was going to drama festivals. The competition was stiff but through the intercession of St. Genesius my friend emerged to be the top. Something I didn't expect. I thank You Jesus for the Victory and St. Genesius for your intercession.