
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turning Back To You!

Father Z (peace be upon him) has an interesting post here.  He reproduces an article written by a priest who celebrated the Mass (Novus Ordo) as it was intended to be celebrated by the liturgical reforms of Vatican II - ad orientem.   The reactions of the laity were as expected, from enthusiasm to white hot fury.  He regrets doing it, not because some of the congregation were livid, but because once will not be enough for him - he found it was the best way to offer the Holy Sacrifice.    It is a lovely piece, but one which should make us priests have a good think, and our father bishops to look again at the intentions of the Council Fathers, the teachings of Pope Benedict and the nature of the liturgy as the celebration of the community in the worship of God rather than the community celebrating itself.  Time to turn the liturgy back towards God.  But how do we do that, given that many of the laity will not accept it?  Pope Benedict realises it will take time, perhaps a generation or two.   But that does not mean we leave the issue for a future generation of clergy - it has to start with us.  How?  Food for thought there.

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