I would like to draw your attention to an excellent article by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith on the Catholic Herald website. It concerns the German Church tax, an issue I addressed in an earlier post. I personally believe the tax should be scrapped, for the very reasons Fr Xander cites.
As I mentioned before, those who refuse to pay the tax are forced to leave the Catholic Church and are refused the sacraments. That is not only problematic and disturbing, it is, in my view, a scandal. People must be free to contribute what they wish to the Church, of course they have a responsibility to help the Church financially, but enforcing a state tax to do so and excommunicating those who don't play ball is immoral - it may well be a sin.
Being forced to pay a tax like that by the state is an encouragement for catholics to leave the church.
ReplyDeleteThat it persists simply shows that radical reform in the German hierarchy is long overdue.
wow - I find this article and link very enlightening. I had no real idea how bad that system was. The church is tied to the state and charges a fee for mass going to boot. Lethal absolutely lethal. Was there once perchance maybe 1517 ish in germany perchance a charge for a lesser spiritual favour than OUR LORD in the Eucharist. Ahh! Let me think!!! Oh! yes I do believe it was a charge or tax on getting out of purgatory. Such a think caused the misery and suffering of the splitting of christianity which still has no solution. Oh! deary me looks like its the same with all things - we simply havent learnt a single thing!! We really do never learn.
ReplyDeleteYou know I actually thought the water tax charges here in ireland were the limit until I read this.
ReplyDeleteThe near total collapse of all proper catholic faith within the German hierarchy is symptomatic of the profound spiritual malaise that currently infects the roman catholic church.
ReplyDeleteThis current "diarchical" style pontificate unheard of in all church history simply deepens the rot.
That two living men utilize the title of "pope" is simply unacceptable and in my view contrary to the will of Christ.
Christs mandate to St Peter clearly stated that the human headship of the church was vested in a single individual.
There were bidding prayers in a Co.Meath parish church last Sunday at mass to wit : "that this church remain in communion with the church in Rome".
The pope,s are causing the church drift into schism.
What is needed is that both pope Benedict emeritus and Francis cease altogether to use the title of "pope".
Having read through the comment of Anonumous I have to say that my gut feeling is that Pope Francis is validly ordained also that Pope Bene did validly resign due to old age and illness. Despite the fact that I find Pope Francis very perplexing on alot of his comments I think it is too early to criticise too strongly his approach. As Fr John suggests I think the tactic for the mo is pray with all sincerity for Pope Francis that he receive all the graces to do GOD'S will.
ReplyDeleteDear Chris Pembroke.
ReplyDeleteI have not rejected or questioned pope Francises election to the chair of Peter.
My point is that two living men are now officialy using the title of pope, even though one of them claims to have retired.
It is not satisfactory that such a person retain the title of "pope" in any form.
This is just another part of the enormous confusion that has occurred since pope Francis was elected.
Too early to criticize?
It is now 21 months since this man took office and time after time his statements and actions reinforce a belief that catholics who uphold conservative traditional values are no longer welcome under his pontificate.
That is alienating and hurtful to many who have spent their lives in loyal service to the catholic church.
How dare pope Francis impugn those who count their rosaries.
How dare he say "there is no catholic God".
How dare he say God does not have a magic wand.
Both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict should both immediately cease to use the title of pope and step down fully and totally from all ecclesiaistical high office.
Neither of them in my opinion are suitable to lead the church.
The only way to resolve this truly unholy and unGodly mess is to have a new papal election