
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Every Blessing On St Brigid's Day

Before I head out for another day's filming, I would like to wish you all a very happy St Brigid's Day.  May the holy Patroness of Ireland watch over us and our country in these difficult times.

We need her prayers and motherly protection.  My colleague, Caroline over at the St Genesius Blog has alerted me to the Labour Party's next move against Catholic citizens: they are, for all intents and purposes, to be banned from certain positions within the civil service if they cannot put their faith to one side and put the state first.  Here's what is being said:
"All senior officials in state bodies which are likely to have to deal with the Catholic Church should be screened to ensure that they will not show inappropriate deference to the Catholic Church. Those who feel they are 'Catholic first and Irish second' should seek promotion in other organs of the State."
Sounds like something out of Communist Russia or Nazi Germany, or even England at the height of the persecution following the Reformation.  Newspaper report here.  I presume, then, as Labour likes to present itself as an equal opportunities organisation, the following statements are also true:
"All senior officials in state bodies which are likely to have to deal with Muslims should be screened to ensure that they will not show inappropriate deference to Islam. Those who feel they are 'Muslim first and Irish second' should seek promotion in other organs of the State."

"All senior officials in state bodies which are likely to have to deal with women should be screened to ensure that they will not show inappropriate deference to women. Those who feel they are 'women first and Irish second' should seek promotion in other organs of the State."

"All senior officials in state bodies which are likely to have to deal with homosexuals should be screened to ensure that they will not show inappropriate deference to the gay movement. Those who feel they are 'gay first and Irish second' should seek promotion in other organs of the State."
Well?  Not on your nellie.  Labour is, once again, revealing the hatred it has for Catholicism.  In my opinion (and it has always been my voting pattern), in conscience a Catholic cannot vote for Labour, not even when a relation is standing for election.   I think, at times, we have a duty to vote against Labour and against those who seek to form partnership with them.  I think at the next election, faithful Catholics should get together and start to weigh up who we can vote for: perhaps it is time for the formation of a particular "Catholic vote" in Ireland.

Seeing as this lot are in government for the next four years, we had better get ready for more.  As with all tyrannies, they will soon be drunk with power and God help us all then.

Holy St Brigid,
Mary of the Gael,
dear mother of the Irish people,
come to our help!


  1. Atheists, materialists, and militant secularists only please in the State's administration - step up for promotion, etc. This statement from part of the Labour Party reflects what has been operating slightly surreptitiously in the Civil Service for years. People who respect religion, religious freedom, freedom of conscience, natural law underpinning constitutional justice and natural (as opposed to State-determined) human rights - in other words uphold the Constitution of Ireland as they ought - are sidelined and generally discriminated against.

  2. This proposal is blantant discrimination against Catholics. If Labour tried to impose it, they would probably be successfully challenged in the courts.

    I think they are just testing the waters to see how far they can go. We have to remind them of the line in the sand which they may not cross.

    However, if we sit down and let them, then Father, get ready for martyrdom because Labour will put you and your brother priests, up against a wall and shoot you. They are part of an anti-faith movement which has, so far, murdered over 100 million people in cold blood. And Gimore and his cronies is well capable of pulling the trigger, literally. And if you think Fine Gael will put a stop to them, think again.
